SAVE THE DATE | Closing Ceremony of the Programme “Good Governance, Accountable Institutions, and Transparency” | December 13, 2024

We are excited to organize the closing ceremony of the Programme “Good Governance, Accountable Institutions, and Transparency”, which has been running over the past five years with the support of the European Economic Area (EEA) Financial Mechanism 2014–2021, also known as the EEA Grants. The event, in the form of a story of achievements and impact, challenges overcome and future aspirations, will take place on:

Date: December 13, 2024
Time: 10:00 AM
Location: Electra Metropolis Athens

The EEA Grants Financial Mechanism, also known as EEA Grants, represents the contribution of Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway towards reducing economic and social disparities and strengthening bilateral relations with 15 European countries, including Greece.

This milestone event celebrates the successful completion of the programme, showcasing its achievements, challenges overcome, and the collaborations that contributed to its objectives. Together, we will get to know how these initiatives laid the foundation for stronger democratic institutions, enhanced transparency, and improved governance practices, catalyzed by digital systems and apps.

As the Programme Operator, we have planned presentations of the programme’s results and impact, along with engaging discussions on the future of the EEA Grants on the new policy priorities for 2021-2028. These conversations will host representatives of the Donor countries, National authorities, and the OECD, focusing on how we could reinforce citizen’s trust to democratic institutions through their strengthening. Emphasis will be placed on fostering good governance, transparency, and accountability to address the current and future needs of citizens.

We look forward to celebrating this collective success together.

Stay tuned for more details and the final agenda of the event.