Organizational Upgrade and Digital Transformation of the Citizen Service Centers (KEP) Network and the Services Provided.

Code: MIS 5114175
Budget: €3.400.000,00
Date of Inclusion: 01/11/2021

The project titled “Organizational Upgrading and Digital Transformation of the Citizens’ Service Centers (KEP) Network and the Provided Services” with Code O.P.S. 5114175 has been included in the Operational Program “Good Governance, Institutions, and Transparency 2014-2020.”

Physical Object of the Project:

The predefined project “Organizational Upgrading and Digital Transformation of the KEP Network and the Provided Public Services” focuses on improving the effectiveness of public sector operations, particularly in enhancing the efficiency of KEP operations. The project aims to design, develop, and implement targeted digital and intangible interventions within a short period, providing high added value for the political-central/data-central digital transformation of public administration. It is categorized into distinct groups of activities that form the main Work Packages (WPs) and the following sub-projects:

  • WP1: Project Management and Governance Model
  • WP2: Communication, Citizen Mobilization, and Stakeholder Engagement
  • WP3: Optimization of the KEP Network, Streamlining Administrative Processes, and KEP Services
  • WP4: Implementation of Electronic Signature in the KEP Network
  • WP5: KEP Information System: e-KEP and EU-GO Portal
  • WP6: Strengthening KEP Employees

Project Start Date: 01/11/2021
Project End Date: 30/04/2024
Legal Commitment Date for the First Main Sub-Project: 01/11/2021
Eligible Public Expenditure for Union Support: €3,400,000.00