Code: MIS 5109507
Budget: €2.000.000,00
Date of Inclusion: 01/12/2021
The National Transparency Authority (NTA), as the competent national authority for a) the development, monitoring, evaluation, and redesign of the National Anti-Corruption Strategic Plan (hereinafter NACS), b) the enhancement of transparency, integrity, and accountability in the actions of government bodies and administrative authorities, and c) the prevention, deterrence, and addressing of fraud and corruption, is utilizing the support of the EEA-Norway Grants by submitting a request for funding for the Project – Predefined Action titled: “Strengthening the framework for integrity, transparency, and combating corruption” under the program “Good Governance, Institutions, Transparency.”
The project aims to adopt a coherent package of measures to enhance accountability, integrity, and transparency in public life and support the implementation of flagship actions of the NACS, as identified as high-priority reforms by international organizations and international conventions, through actions for a) Strengthening the National Framework for Public Integrity, and b) improving the framework and procedures for the recovery and management of assets derived from criminal activity.
The total budget for the action is €2,000,000 (1,998,640.59), and it will be implemented in cooperation with the OECD, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, and the Ministry of Finance. The duration of the action is 29 months, starting on 1/12/2021 and ending on 30/4/2024.