Code: MIS 5093609
Budget: €1,938,000.00
Inclusion Date: 08/11/2021
Inclusion of the Action “Implementation of the Programme ‘Good Governance, Accountable Institutions, Transparency’ of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2012-2021, through the Predefined Projects of the Programmatic Agreement” with OPS Code 5093609 in the Operational Programme “Good Governance, Institutions, and Transparency 2014-2020.”
Physical object of the action:
The project concerns the actions undertaken by the Ombudsman to strengthen good governance, accountability, and the fight against maladministration in the public sector. The project focuses on enhancing the Ombudsman’s capacity, both in terms of human resources and infrastructure, aiming to better achieve the objectives of combating maladministration, ensuring compliance with the law, and promoting the principles of transparency, good governance, and equal treatment.
Start date of the Action: 15/10/2021
End date of the Action: 30/04/2024
Deadline for the legal commitment of the first major sub-project: 31/12/2021
The eligible public expenditure for calculating Union support amounts to €1,938,000.00.